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Place List: Middleton with his wife and children Alice (18), James (16) and Esther (12). Amos and James were labourers to a calico printer and Alice was a silk winder.Daughter Mary was not present for the census./Mount

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Place List: Middleton with his wife and children Alice (18), James (16) and Esther (12). Amos and James were labourers to a calico printer and Alice was a silk winder.Daughter Mary was not present for the census./Mount, sorted alphabetically (number of total localities in parentheses):

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1. In 1861 he was living at Mount Pleasant, Middleton with his wife and children Alice (18), James (16) and Esther (12). Amos and James were labourers to a calico printer and Alice was a silk winder.Daughter Mary was not present for the census./Mount Find all individuals with events at this location